Not had much time to get on the blog this week, been majorly busy.
Last night was my fourth night out in a row this week (and I start work at 7am, so you can imagine I'm a little bit tired).
I went to Rinse FM's 16th birthday bash at Fabric, a club I haven't been to in almost 7 years. Crazy night, serious line up and everyone I saw represented fully. Plastician with P Money and Blacks, Boy Better Know, Heartless Crew, Skream & Benga and whoever was on in Room 2 at midnight (Funk Butcher I think)... all smashed the place to bits. Heavy.
Anyway, this past week I've written articles on two really impressive up and coming UK musicians, Ed Sheeran and Random Impulse (who happen to good friends with each other too).
Check Random's latest refix/mash up of Chase & Status/Swedish House Mafia here and listen to the story... How this guy isn't signed in the UK yet is beyond me.
Really impressed with both of these two, nice guys and they're doing stuff that shows how a wide range of influences has been pouring into the younger generation of musicians in this country inspiring collaborations and a fusion of different genres that is working really well.
The UK really is a world leader when it comes to producing great music and creating genres. We have an unsurpassed depth of talent that understands a wide variety of different types of music and it's great to see that there is such a huge amount of support behind British artists from their respective followers.
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